Struggling Churches
Diane Kenaston Good Friday Collaborative Diane Kenaston Good Friday Collaborative

Struggling Churches

It’s tricky to talk about struggling churches. We need to both name reality and reflect God’s continued presence. These faith communities are doing their best to follow God into an uncertain future.

We are searching for terms that are both accurate and neutral. So what should we say?

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Resurrection in Closing Congregations
Sara Nave-Fisher, Lorrin Radzik, Holy Days, Team Stories Good Friday Collaborative Sara Nave-Fisher, Lorrin Radzik, Holy Days, Team Stories Good Friday Collaborative

Resurrection in Closing Congregations

Good Friday Collaborative was born out of a desire to offer support and insight to clergy and congregations in the process of closure. Our name points to the reminder that all resurrection requires death, and that death is not to be avoided at all costs.

And at the same time, we are people of the resurrection! Two of our collaborators led their congregations’ final services on Easter Sunday, and offer reflections on what that was like for them. 

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Becoming Dust: Ash Wednesday in Dying (and Thriving) Congregations
Sara Nave-Fisher, Team Stories, Holy Days Good Friday Collaborative Sara Nave-Fisher, Team Stories, Holy Days Good Friday Collaborative

Becoming Dust: Ash Wednesday in Dying (and Thriving) Congregations

In a culture consumed with prolonging youth and liveliness, even the word “death” is taboo, as we have been taught to defer to euphemisms that might avoid the discomfort of that reality. Yet no matter how much we cling to signs of life, death is just around the corner., which is why it is so incredibly vital to name:

I will die. You will die. We will die. 

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Remembering Saint Congregations on All Saints Day
Chelsey Hillyer, Holy Days, Team Stories Good Friday Collaborative Chelsey Hillyer, Holy Days, Team Stories Good Friday Collaborative

Remembering Saint Congregations on All Saints Day

This year, as we remember individual saints on All Saints Day, we at Good Friday Collaborative invite you to join us in remembering saint congregations: Those communities that have made room for you to experience love, to find formation, and to build relationships with those who taught you what it meant to be a person of faith. Even if the church no longer worships together. Perhaps especially, then. Every good work accomplished through those congregations continues to live in you.

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Denominational Resources for Closing and Merging Churches
Diane Kenaston, Church Closure, Resources, Merger Good Friday Collaborative Diane Kenaston, Church Closure, Resources, Merger Good Friday Collaborative

Denominational Resources for Closing and Merging Churches

Denominational resources for church closure and merger include congregationalist and centralized polities. Read more from Baptist, Lutheran, Episcopalian, Methodist, Presbyterian, Unitarian, Reformed, Anglican, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), United Church of Christ, Catholic, Quaker, and uniting churches.

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Church Closure in Five Stages
Sara Nave-Fisher, Resources Good Friday Collaborative Sara Nave-Fisher, Resources Good Friday Collaborative

Church Closure in Five Stages

As we at Good Friday Collaborative resource clergy and churches who are concluding ministry, we have noticed five distinct Stages of ministry endings that most communities move through. While every church has their own unique story and process of ending, these general Stages can help make sense of the natural work of endings.

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