Meet the Team: Cara Scriven
Meet our newest collaborator, Cara Scriven. Find out why Cara believes that anyone can kill a church, but not everyone can lead congregations toward faithfully completing their ministry.

Pride in Closing: LGBTQ Affirmation and Congregational Closure
How does church closure affect LGBTQ affirming congregations? Is there a Rainbow Glass Cliff for queer clergy? This Pride month Sara and Diane share insights on completing ministry in reconciling and affirming congregations.

Rebirth through Church Merger
Can struggling churches experience new life? Diane Kenaston remembers her baptism — and a rebirth through church merger.

So You Think Your Church Might Close?
Good Friday Collaborative’s Diane Kenaston offers 10 practical actions any leader can take if you think your church might close.

Denominational Resources for Closing and Merging Churches
Denominational resources for church closure and merger include congregationalist and centralized polities. Read more from Baptist, Lutheran, Episcopalian, Methodist, Presbyterian, Unitarian, Reformed, Anglican, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), United Church of Christ, Catholic, Quaker, and uniting churches.

Church Closure & Merger Books
Thinking about church closure or merger? The Good Friday Collaborative has assembled a book list for our newsletter subscribers. Download the annotated resource list as a first step for support in the sacred work of congregational endings.